




overlooked 基本解释
俯视;忽视( overlook的过去式和过去分词 );监督;不予理会;
overlooked 网络解释


1. 对. . . 睁只眼闭只眼:13. bartender 服务员、侍者 | 14. overlooked 对. . . 睁只眼闭只眼 | 15. skit 幽默短剧

2. 疏漏 見落:order 订单 オーダー | overlooked 疏漏 见落し | packing 包装 荷造り

3. 疏漏:overload protection device防超载装置 | 疏漏overlooked | 抗臭氧试验ozone resistance test

4. 忽视;宽容;眺望:negligent 疏忽的;粗心大意的 | overlooked 忽视;宽容;眺望 | potentiality 可能性;潜能

overlooked 单语例句

1. Japanese market was overlooked in recent years since casino runners set their sights on the whopping mainland market.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. These are the guys and gals that either just missed out on the CD Top 10 for 2010 or were simply overlooked or forgotten.

3. A pleasingly expressive chipmunk why is this rodent's particular cuteness overlooked in children's books?

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Hiring a certified cicerone ensures that everything is taken care of, including the details that are easily overlooked.

5. It's hard to resist zooming in on results only, while stumbling blocks and societal collateral damage are often overlooked in the pursuit of profit.

6. overlooked的近义词

6. " Australia's free settler heritage is often overlooked in favour of its more'colourful'convict past, " he said.

7. overlooked的翻译

7. The interior decoration of the restaurant is contemporary in style, and customers can easily sit back and comfortably enjoy an overlooked but delectable regional cuisine.

8. overlooked

8. These evolving demographics bring with them a complication for India, usually overlooked in the euphoria over the demographic dividend.

9. Top officials of Asian Football Confederation urged their member countries to build professional football clubs, whose importance has been largely overlooked compared with their national teams.

10. Concerns once overlooked for the sake of national security - including economic ties, human rights and military policies - became major issues of contention.

overlooked 英英释义


1. not taken into account

    e.g. his retirement was not allowed to go unmarked

    Synonym: unmarked unnoted
