
overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk]  [ˌoʊvərˈlʊk] 





overlook 基本解释


及物动词远眺; 忽视,忽略; 瞭望; 检查

名词从高处眺望到的景色; 忽视,忽略; 可眺望四周的高地

overlook 同义词


动词ignore pass over face watch view neglect let slip disregard miss skip

overlook 反义词



overlook 相关例句


1. You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work.

2. He has been kind enough to overlook my fault.

3. The monument overlooks the square.

4. The house on the hill overlooks the valley.


1. It was a slight overlook on my part.

overlook 网络解释


1. 忽略:宽恕就是去忽略(overlook),或是去看穿. 当你看穿了小我,就能够直视到每个人内在都具有的本质--健全的心态. 小我喜欢抱怨、感觉怨恨,不仅是针对个人,也会针对处境. 你针对他人所产生的反应,也会用在针对处境上:把处境视为敌人.

2. 忽视:无论如何,这里的意思是,程序(系统,结构,日程等等)的一般性必须,在复杂性上,在生活体验(lived experience)以及在真实性上,忽视(overlook)(或不顾[override])事件的独特性(singularity).

overlook 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 俯瞰;俯视;眺望
    If a building or window overlooks a place, you can see the place clearly from the building or window.

    e.g. Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden...
    e.g. Jack Aldwych lived in a huge, old two-storeyed house overlooking Harbord.

2. 忽略;忽视;未注意到
    If you overlook a fact or problem, you do not notice it, or do not realize how important it is.

    e.g. We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.
    e.g. ...a fact that we all tend to overlook.

3. 宽容;宽恕
    If you overlook someone's faults or bad behaviour, you forgive them and take no action.

    e.g. ...satisfying relationships that enable them to overlook each other's faults.

overlook 单语例句

1. The dining rooms on the three floors overlook one of Tokyo's most famous parks and is an oasis in the center of the bustling city.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. You can climb to the top of Sunlight Rock for an overlook of Xiamen.

3. It is hard to overlook the signage of this cosmetics chain in Hong Kong, as it is prominently displayed in almost every crowded tourist site across the city.

4. If educational authorities really want physical education to be part of the curricula, how could school inspection officials overlook the shortage of physical education teachers?

5. overlook

5. The referees would overlook fouls committed by Juve players and disallow perfectly good goals scored against his team.

6. But the world should not overlook or forget the great contribution made by China during the war against Japanese aggression and against the fascist axis.

7. Windows overlook the manicured park gardens and the lake, which is edged by an outcrop of rocks.

8. overlook

8. It would've been embarrassing to overlook Melissa Leo when handing out the Emmy nominations this year.

9. But striking a balance between innovation and market risks is a duty that regulatory agencies tend to overlook from time to time.

10. Architectural designs should not overlook functionality either because that is the lifeline of architecture if it is to last.

overlook 英英释义


1. a high place affording a good view


1. overlook

1. leave undone or leave out

    e.g. How could I miss that typo?
           The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten

    Synonym: neglect pretermit omit drop miss leave out overleap

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. watch over

    e.g. I am overlooking her work

3. look past, fail to notice

4. look down on

    e.g. The villa dominates the town

    Synonym: dominate command overtop

5. overlook的意思

5. be oriented in a certain direction

    e.g. The house looks out on a tennis court
           The apartment overlooks the Hudson

    Synonym: look out on look out over look across
