1. 工作服:再去ANITA的办公 室,打开储存柜穿上工作服(OVERALLS),向右进入主控制室,在终端机中选2 .OPEN REACTOR DOOR便可进入内部. 捡起地上的LINC CARD ,然后直接赶往警署,乘电梯到机房,把LINC CARD插入INTER?玻疲粒茫? 的SLOT,进入LINC SPACE.
2. 工作裤:常用来形容从义大利热那亚港口出航的水手身上所穿,类似丹宁材料制作而成的蓝色喇叭裤的风格. 到了六十年代左右,这个词汇在青少年间普及,取代工作裤(overalls)一词. LS&CO公司的目录和广告中,开始打出这个词汇,最后形成今曰这个词汇的广为使用.
3. 工装:如做工着工装(overalls),回家换便装(house wear),洗澡披浴衣(bathrobe),上床用睡衣(pajamas),参加盛大宴会时穿礼服(formal dress),运动时穿球衣和运动服(sports wear).
1. They are protected by leather overalls and a neck pad that prevents whiplash.
2. He dons sterilized overalls before checking his communication equipment and his Toyota Land Cruiser before heading off to Beichuan for patrol and watch duties.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. Sitting in a sterile lab wearing white overalls, the " olfactory discriminator " takes a good whiff from a transparent plastic bag.
4. Herrington said he distracted the croc with a flashlight in the eyes before throwing a pair of overalls over her head.
5. overalls什么意思
5. They were represented at the memorial service, standing in orange overalls alongside bishops at a ceremony that was televised across the country.
6. Wearing overalls at weekends, painting your own house to save money?
7. Xu needs to travel between the county centre and a barrier, where his overalls are sterilized more than 10 times a day.
8. He was wearing the same kind of orange overalls that Armstrong and Hensley were made to wear before they were killed.
9. overalls的解释
9. The two are wearing matching farmers'overalls and red ribbons in their hair.
10. Richard says he's sure that God told him to put the phone in his overalls chest pocket rather than a pants pocket as usual.