


outlets 基本解释
插座;出口( outlet的名词复数 );经销店;廉价经销店;
outlets 网络解释

1. 购买地点:(Where) 购买地点(Outlets)一、操作性定义与文献回顾由于学术界尚没有关于不道德行销的专门研究,也就没有理论流派,更没有关于欺骗的定义之争. 但是,在国外的研究文献里,仍将其相关课题并入在行销伦理范畴中. 然而,

2. 商店:今年2009年的劳工节长周末主要是9月5日(周六) 6日(周日)及7日 (周一)三天, 但许多促销从星期五已经先行起跑, 各大百货公司和名牌特价商店(Outlets)均已推出诱人的折扣优惠, 另外购物网站推出的特价商品也相当值得一看,

outlets 单语例句

1. outlets

1. Based on reports by Chinese media outlets, both the launch and landing of Shenzhou V will take place during daylight.

2. Certain Japanese media outlets even resorted to the despicable act of making up stories to create the impression that other countries supported Japan's position.

3. Its dealer network expanded to 113 authorized outlets by the end of the year.

4. outlets的近义词

4. He was first condemned by Atlanta's radio team and their call was picked up by some national broadcast outlets on Wednesday.

5. Weng said the candy went back on sale in the country last month and is now available at 95 percent of its usual outlets.

6. Most luxury goods makers have opened outlets in Chinese metropolises and provincial capital cities.

7. outlets的近义词

7. The paper said most luxury goods makers have opened outlets in Chinese metropolises and provincial capital cities.

8. Peng said the bank has issued notices to its outlets and modified its system to curb credit capital flowing into the stock market.

9. Carrefour - the world's second largest retailing group - is also the most successful foreign retailer in China by number of outlets and sales.

10. French retail giant Carrefour has set up purchase outlets in 11 Chinese cities, making the nation its largest purchase base in Asia.
