outer space

outer space [ˈautə speis]  [ˈaʊtɚ spes] 

outer space 基本解释


outer space 网络解释

1. 太空:参与哥本哈根气候变迁会议的国家一致同意要削减温室气体排放量,但争议点在於如何监测各国是否落实他们的承诺?专家认为答案在於外太空(outer space)与网路...

outer space 词典解释

1. 外层空间;外太空
    Outer space is the area outside the earth's atmosphere where the other planets and stars are situated.

    e.g. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.

outer space 单语例句

1. outer space的意思

1. " Guantanamo Bay was the legal equivalent of outer space - a place with no law, " former Navy defense lawyer Charles Swift says in the movie.

2. From the Gulf of Aden to snowy plateaus and outer space, these special photographers use their limited time in capturing lasting life and love.

3. All nations should join hands in working out ways to explore outer space for the sake of the peaceful coexistence of mankind.

4. outer space的翻译

4. Outer space belongs to all mankind, and the peaceful use of outer space is the common aspiration of all humanity.

5. " Outer space is the common property of mankind, " it stated.

6. He also said outer space is the common property of humanity and its exploration and use concerns all humanity.

7. The international community should negotiate and conclude a new international legal instrument to close the loopholes in the existing legal system concerning outer space.

8. outer space的意思

8. And the expanse of of JW Marriott Hotel's conference room in Admiralty yesterday still seemed like outer space to them.

9. Other areas where our interests converge include the cyberspace, the outer space and maritime security.

10. It is believed that under the microgravity and cosmic rays of the outer space, genes of the sperms stored in different manners will be changed in different ways.

outer space 英英释义



1. outer space

1. any location outside the Earth's atmosphere

    e.g. the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether
           the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR's Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth

    Synonym: space
