out of the blue

out of the blue [aut ɔv ðə blu:]  [aʊt ʌv ði blu] 

out of the blue 基本解释


out of the blue 相关例句


1. John arrived out of the blue.

out of the blue 网络解释

1. (一日狂徒):<<一日狂徒>>(Out of the Blue)令人想起吉士云逊(Gus Van Saint)的<<大象>>(Elephant),都写突如其来的暴力事件,且都由真事改编. 看完依奥塞里安尼(Otar Iosseliani)的<<秋天花园>>(Gardens in Autumn),心情舒畅,豁然开朗.

2. 突然:数学绝不是突然(out of the blue)从天上掉下一个公式或定理,然后就要我们去证明. 通常数学教科书所犯的毛病就是按「定义、定理、证明」等抽象方式来铺陈,这样无法看到数学的发展过程. 在上述证明中,单纯多边形经过原子化后,

3. 突如其来:他认为大陆高层突如其来(out of the blue)地决定要攻打台湾的可能性十分低,比较可能的局面是,两岸的紧张经过一定时间的酝酿,台海的军事准备不断升高,美国在此期间也会逐步开始向台海调兵遣将.

4. 完全出于意外:7. drink till all's blue:一醉方休 | 8. out of the blue:完全出于意外 | 9. a bolt from the blue:晴天霹雳

out of the blue 单语例句

1. A friend may call you from out of the blue and ask to crash on your sofa for a few days.

2. A boy lies on clothing spread out under the cover of a blue tent at a refugee camp in Banda Aceh.

3. out of the blue的解释

3. No one expects you to become a native Chinese speaker out of the blue, but here are a few simple phrases that could make your life easier.

4. Similar stories of partial recovery from brain damage occasionally grab headlines, whether the improvement came from treatment or just out of the blue.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. It's almost like fate that the invitation for that research trip came out of the blue from a former student.

6. out of the blue的近义词

6. " The success is not out of the blue, " he says.

7. Clarke had said the London attacks " came out of the blue " and insisted they did not represent a failure by intelligence services.

8. out of the blue的翻译

8. Dao Lang's popularity came from out of the blue, without any packaging or promotion.

9. " One does not choose sites for missile defense out of the blue, " she told The Associated Press.

10. Then out of the blue, the couple felt the need for a serious change.

out of the blue 英英释义


1. in a way that was not expected

    e.g. her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue

    Synonym: unexpectedly
