out of square

out of square [aut ɔv skwɛə]  [aʊt ʌv skwɛr] 

out of square 基本解释

out of square的反义词


out of square 网络解释

1. 不正方:out of roundness 不圆度 | out of square 不正方 | out of step 不同步

2. 不成直角:out of spirits 没精神 | out of square 不成直角 | out of step 步调不一致

3. 倾斜的:out-of-specificationpiece 不符合技术规格样品 | out-of-square 倾斜的 | out-of-step 不同步

out of square 单语例句

1. Shi was asked by the other venders, who were envious of her success to move out of the square.

2. out of square的解释

2. Thousands of demonstrators had earlier said they planned to stay out in Tahrir square until the government fell.

3. That works out at two months of Shou and Sun's total gross income for each square meter.

4. If frustrated students leaving the square carried out those petrol bomb attacks on troops, then the anger of the government becomes a lot more understandable.

5. Last night, thousands of fans turned out for the premiere of'Eclipse'in London's Leicester Square.

6. out of square什么意思

6. The military would also pull out of 12 million square feet of leased commercial space and head for relative safety behind base fences.

7. The movie makes the transition to live action within 15 minutes of the opening credits, when Giselle worms her way out of a manhole in Time Square.

8. Setting out from the Olympic Square of the Phoenix Island, the Olympic torchbearers will revisit the route taken a year ago.

9. out of square的翻译

9. People also turned out in large numbers in front of the Renmin Cinema and at Renmin Square.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. People also turned out in big crowds in front of the Renmin Cinema and at the Renmin Square.
