1. 不欠债:out of date 过时的,陈旧的 | out of debt 不欠债 | out of doors 在户外
2. 还清债务:负债 in debt | 还清债务 out of debt | 做出决定 make a decision
3. 不短债:in debt to sb. 短某人的债 | out of debt 不短债 | decide for 作对h有益的决议
1. More recent studies have added the idea of an " extinction debt ", that species are doomed to die out once their habitat shrinks beyond a critical point.
2. Chen said he is confident that the EU will get out of its current debt crisis.
3. out of debt
3. The current stalemate in the negotiation is caused by both parties trying to get the most gain out of the current debt crisis.
4. Song's remarks came after Premier Wen Jiabao last week repeated China's commitment to helping European countries out of the current sovereign debt crisis.
5. He pointed out that he inherited the current economic crisis and a doubling of the national debt from eight years of the Bush administration.
6. out of debt
6. An unnamed US official said that Russia had agreed to the deal to wipe out tens of billions of dollars of Iraqi debt.
7. The lower the interest rate, the quicker you get out of debt.
8. They make money by holding mortgage assets that yield more than their debt costs and by guaranteeing bonds they create out of loans.
9. He said he was pleased to note that Greece was coming out of the shadow of a sovereign debt crisis.
10. He pointed out that the risk of high debt ratio has increased for the power industry.