
otherworldly ['ʌðə'wɜ:ldlɪ]  [ˌʌðɚˈwə:ldli] 

otherworldly 基本解释



otherworldly 网络解释


1. 来世:original sin-原罪 | otherworldly-来世の | pantheism-汎神論

2. 来世的:otherworldly 来世的 | otic 耳的 | otiose 不必要的

3. 阴间的:阴间AcheronDISinfernosheolultramundane | 阴间的otherworldly | 阴间的神DIS

4. 来世的/阴间的/空想的:otherworld /来世/ | otherworldly /来世的/阴间的/空想的/ | otiatry /耳病治疗学/

otherworldly 词典解释

1. otherworldly的近义词

1. 非现实世界的;超世俗的;超自然的
    Otherworldly people, things, and places seem strange or spiritual, and not much connected with ordinary things.

    e.g. They encourage an image of the region as an otherworldly sort of place.
    e.g. ...a strange, other-worldly smile.

otherworldly 单语例句

1. Dressed in the gorgeous handmade Japanese costume made especially for the Noh theater, she executes otherworldly leaps and turns and pirouettes.

2. The film aims to ick out the audience with goopy special effects and the primal terror found in having otherworldly slugs crawl down your throat.

3. It's an otherworldly sensation, heightened by a terrain devoid of vegetation and strangely desolate.

4. The riverine mist rises and veils the vista with a filmy layer that gives the whole scene an otherworldly dimension.

5. In Shanghai, the haunted house is not the only place where you can hobnob with the otherworldly.

6. " I just felt like there was something otherworldly about being an actress, " she said.
