other people

other people

other people 单语例句

1. Can I use my Visa card or bank account to buy tickets for other people?

2. other people

2. A person buying tickets for other people needs to present those people's ID cards and can buy no more than three tickets at a time.

3. But people dug out about 100 tons of sweet potatoes from his farm within an hour without buying almost any of the other vegetables.

4. Medical experts say people cannot get AIDS or any other diseases by giving blood via a standard donation system.

5. He laughs when his family or other people speak to him and imitates other people's actions little by little.

6. Four of them resigned and the other one was removed after a document was issued earlier this month by the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress.

7. other people什么意思

7. " Their action sets a good example that will inspire other people, " a doctor said.

8. Several other power generation plants have been hit by the quake, with thousands of people still missing.

9. They have exceeded the line of justifiable action by pursuing their own political agenda in total disregard of other people's interests and safety.

10. That calamity came as 10 other people were killed in another crash, this one in Southwest China's Sichuan Province yesterday.
