


organs 基本解释
器官;机构( organ的名词复数 );风琴;阴茎;
organs 网络解释

1. 器官:在<<泰阿泰德篇>>(theaetetus 184ff)中,柏拉图又用了另一个巧妙的比喻,他谈到作为器官(organs)的感官(senses),像一种工具或说是器具. 他说,我们的感官,并不是像特洛伊木马中的士兵般仅仅只内在于我们. 确切的说,它们是各种各样的用具,

2. 元件、机构:optimism 乐观、乐观主义 | organs 元件、机构 | original 最初的、原始的、独创的;原物

3. 臓器:膵臓 - Pancreas | 臓器 - Organs | 自律神経系 - Divisio autonomica; Pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici

4. 风琴:4533 奥卡利那笛 ocarinas | 4534 风琴 organs | 4535 管风琴 wind pips for organs

organs 单语例句

1. organs是什么意思

1. " The state organs are positioned to act against anybody who tries to disrupt the process, " President Thabo Mbeki said on Tuesday.

2. He pointed out that China is a country that operates under the rule of law and its judicial organs act in accordance with the law.

3. The State Council, the Cabinet and central Party organs are yet to officially announce the change.

4. It seems that the internal organs are all discarded as there is still not a sustainable market for what we Chinese call the " delicious insides ".

5. BEIJING - President Hu Jintao on Monday called for strict implementation of Party discipline amid elections of Party organs at all levels.

6. organs的反义词

6. The statement said Canada had repatriated several suspects to China in recent years, showing honest cooperation between the law enforcement organs of the two countries.

7. organs的意思

7. Transvaginal kidney removals have been done before to remove cancerous or nonfunctioning kidneys, and other diseased organs have also been removed through mouths and other orifices.

8. organs什么意思

8. Doctors said Chen's heart started beating again during treatment at the hospital, but the cardiac arrest had damaged other organs.

9. Huang said the system of donation after cardiac death would also help curb the trade in living organs.

10. The venues of law enforcement and case investigation by public security organs will be transformed according to defined standards step by step.

organs 英英释义



1. edible viscera of a butchered animal

    Synonym: variety meat
