
opulent [ˈɒpjələnt]  [ˈɑ:pjələnt] 

opulent 基本解释

形容词豪华的; 富裕的; <正>富足的; 繁茂的

opulent 网络解释

1. 丰富的:fraudulent 詐欺的、不誠實的 | opulent 豐富的 | succulent 多汁的

2. 富裕的:opprobrious --> 辱骂的,骂名的 (-probr- 耻辱的词根) | opulent --> 富裕的 | orchard --> 果园 (貌似这个词在著名的农夫果园饮料瓶上见过)

3. 富裕的, 丰富的, 丰饶的, 繁茂的:trigger delay 触发延迟 | opulent 富裕的, 丰富的, 丰饶的, 繁茂的 | hepatocyte [解]肝(实质)细胞

4. 丰裕的:opulence 丰裕 | opulent 丰裕的 | opulently 丰裕地

opulent 词典解释

1. 豪华的;奢侈的;富丽堂皇的
    Opulent things or places look grand and expensive.

    e.g. ...an opulent office on Wimpole Street in London's West End.

...the elegant opulence of the German embassy.

2. 富有的;阔绰的;挥金如土的
    Opulent people are very wealthy and spend a lot of money.

    e.g. Most of the cash went on supporting his opulent lifestyle.

opulent 单语例句

1. This is evident in the many successful opulent business men that have Chinese ethnicity or Chinese descent operating in the country.

2. Very opulent, the structure is immediately recognizable from the first attack in the mouth.

3. They try to imitate opulent Chinese establishments and create an equally extravagant environment with crazy prices.

4. No wonder then that the opulent beauty and grandeur of the restaurant still awes the modern diner.

5. An example is an opulent necklace glittering at Hong Kong Premier Pavilion, set with a giant Paraiba tourmaline.

6. opulent的意思

6. " The superpowers cannot prevent us from owning this " nuclear technology, Ahmadinejad told reporters in the opulent Emirates Palace hotel.

7. opulent是什么意思

7. Wuxi's opulent Fan Gong Palace has to be seen to be believed, writes Yang Yijun.

8. opulent的近义词

8. These are in turn accumulated from sources in various island nations, giving the venue an opulent and authentic feel.

9. opulent的反义词

9. The country itself is a series of contradictions, where opulent wealth lives side by side with the most unimaginable poverty.

10. No theatrical showplace no matter how opulent can expect to thrive without performers or an audience.

opulent 英英释义


1. rich and superior in quality

    e.g. a princely sum
           gilded dining rooms

    Synonym: deluxe gilded grand luxurious princely sumptuous
