1. 面向优化测试的语言:ODMA OptimizedDistributionModel 优化分销模式(康柏的销售策略) | OPTS 面向优化测试的语言 | OSSD OptimumStereophonicSystem 最佳立体声系统
2. 联机程序测试系统:OLPARS 在线处理器 | OPTS 联机程序测试系统 | OLS 联机实时(操作,系统)
3. opts:on – line peripheral test system; 联机外围设备测试系统
4. opts:on – line program testing system; 联机程序测试系统
1. opts
1. It is also a deviation from the trend of our times, which increasingly opts for peace and development rather than conflict and confrontation.
2. Their gamble is the US will invoke its Taiwan Relations Act once China opts for military action.
3. To earn as much as possible, Zhao always opts to work with the old and infirm which pays more.
4. If the Rockets were to release him before he opts out, they would have to pay the second year of the contract.
5. He instead opts to play at the course on base or at the more secluded Mid Pacific Country Club.
6. For lunch and dinner with friends, he opts for Japanese or Thai food in the CBD area.
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. This is against the trends of the world today, which increasingly opts for peace and development.