1. Methods Slit-lamp examination for specific lens opacities was taken by the opthalmic doctor, and in twenty-five patients of three pedigree with DM, CTG trinulceotide repeat numbers located in the 3, untraslated region of MTPK on chromosome 19q13.2-3 were analyzed by using long Expand TM Template PCR system.
2. The subendocardial and sub-epicardial tissues were separated from the mid-layer region with opthalmic scissors. Single cells in each region were obtained by gentle shaking and dispersing in a chamber filled with normal Tyrode's solution. The whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to record the current while change the composition of the perfusate.
3. Results It was found that in dogs the opthalmic artery originated from the maxillary artery, and that its root formed an angle with infraorbital artery.