
opt [ɒpt]  [ɑ:pt] 






opt 基本解释


opt 相关词组


1. opt for : 选择;

opt 相关例句



1. They opt for more holiday instead of more pay.

opt 网络解释


1. 最佳:这里介绍了最佳(OPT)、预测误差(PEF)、平滑误差(SEF)动目标显示器(MTI)三种白化滤波器的基本关系,在非高斯相关杂波情况下,研究了它们在白化及检测方面的性能.

2. 输出变压器:PT)及输出变压器( OPT)的人都有一样的矛盾 ,那就是初级线圈与次级线圈之间除了加绝缘材料绝缘之外在中间再加铜箔接地做静电隔离 ,但是初级线圈与次级线圈之间除了加绝缘材料绝缘之外在中间再加铜箔接地做静电隔离之后虽然能够增加 S/N 比以避免噪声由初级传到次级 ,

3. 最优生产技术:结构体系,看板管理基本原理,精益生产(LP)的基本思想和主要内容,敏捷制造的基本内涵,业务流程再造的特征,原则和主要内容,最优生产技术(OPT),约束理论(TOC)的基本原理及其发展.企业文化营销的理性分析:企业文化的营销功能;

4. 优化:决策变量、约束条件、目标函数是线性规划的三要素.线性规划问题的数学模型的一般形式 (1)列出约束条件及目标函数2、目标函数是决策变量的线性函数,根据具体问题可以是最大化(max)或最小化(min),二者统称为最优化(opt).

5. opt:optimal; 一、最佳置换算法

6. opt:osmotic pump tablets; 渗透泵型控释片

7. opt:optical potential transformer; 光电式电压互感器

8. opt:order processing time; 订单处理时间

opt 词典解释

1. 选择;作出抉择
    If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.

    e.g. Depending on your circumstances you may wish to opt for one method or the other...
    e.g. Our students can also opt to stay in residence.

相关词组:opt in opt out

opt 单语例句

1. Those not up to the challenge can opt for the cable car that goes right up to the peak.

2. opt的翻译

2. If officials opt for a simple solution, they may think that building a few new villages would be a good idea.

3. Which is why some workers opt to buy his food instead of obeying the construction sites'regulation of eating in the canteen.

4. Tourists to Lijiang often opt to take flights to the provincial capital of Kunming and change to regional flights to Lijiang.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Smith and Wilson Chandler deciding to opt out of their China adventure quickly.

6. opt的近义词

6. Most drinks come with the large chewy tapioca pearls, but you can opt to leave them out.

7. Chinese women who delay childbearing are also likely to opt for Caesarean.

8. opt

8. He noted that 50 percent of patients suffering terminal stage cancer opt for traditional Chinese medicine treatments.

9. The complainant could not opt for another unit or request the return of her deposit.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. He can opt out of the contract after the season to become a free agent.

opt 英英释义


1. opt

1. select as an alternative over another

    e.g. I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant
           She opted for the job on the East coast

    Synonym: choose prefer
