
oppressed [əˈprest] [əˈprest] 







oppressed 基本解释
受压迫的,受压制的;使烦恼( oppress的过去式和过去分词);压迫,压制;
oppressed 网络解释


1. 被压的:oppositionpoliticalparty 反对党 | oppressed 被压的 | oppressive 压迫的

2. 被压的/堵:oppresse /堵住/ | oppressed /被压的/堵/ | oppression /压迫/压制/压抑/虐待/沈闷/忧郁/苦恼/

3. 喇.被压迫的;烦恼的:10.meow:可.[美]做猫叫声 | 11.oppressed:喇.被压迫的;烦恼的 | 12.1ifted:嘣.精神振奋的

4. 被压迫的,被压抑的:progress- 进展 | oppressed- 被压迫的,被压抑的 | progress- 进展

oppressed 单语例句

1. But most Americans still see the Dalai Lama as the representative of a people oppressed by Chinese rule.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Those who buy this garbage about America's compassion, her goodwill and champion for the oppressed has been sold a sack of crock.

3. I had heard that the religious life should been oppressed but it was flowering!

4. Oppressed during Saddam Hussein's rule, they are eager to cement the increased political power they have gained since his overthrow.

5. Estrada became famous for starring in action movies where the hero would defend the poor and the oppressed.

6. We believed that we Chinese and all the oppressed people in the world should stand together and support each other in fighting against any injustice.

7. oppressed的意思

7. In parts of Iraq that were oppressed under Saddam, there was a sense of satisfaction at the arraignment.

8. Clashes between Hindus and Christians are rare since both groups belong the Tamil minority and believe they are oppressed by the country's Buddhist Sinhalese majority.

9. The temple's spirit is to take action in the interest of the oppressed and uphold justice.

10. At the time the Gang of Four was in power and running wild, and the people were oppressed and deeply worried about the future of the country.

oppressed 英英释义


1. oppressed

1. burdened psychologically or mentally

    e.g. laden with grief
           oppressed by a sense of failure

    Synonym: laden
