opposite number

opposite number [ˈɔpəzit ˈnʌmbə]  [ˈɑpəzɪt ˈnʌmbɚ] 


第三人称复数:opposite numbers

opposite number 基本解释
opposite number 网络解释

opposite number

1. 相反数:师:(出示投影片) 相反数(opposite number)的概念; 师:这里有两个单词(opposite number),哪位同学教我和大家读? 生6:(发音、阅读) 师:你是从哪里知道它的读音的? 生6:文曲星电子词典上查到的. 师:很好!她能用文曲星查了,说明她很善于学习.

2. 对等人物; 对等机构[地位, 用具, 出版物, 词语]:has gone is up [口]某人寿数已尽; 轮到某人遭殃[受罚] | opposite number 对等人物; 对等机构[地位, 用具, 出版物, 词语] | production number [戏]全体演员都参加演出的特别节目

3. 相反:opposite face 对面 | opposite number 相反 | opposite part 相对部分

4. 副本, 相似物, 配对物:primary adj.首要的,最初的 primarily, primate, primitive | counterpart n.副本, 相似物, 配对物 opposite number | fraction n.分数,片段,一小部分 fragment

opposite number 单语例句

1. Italy captain Fabio Cannavaro's attempted overhead shot was cleared and his opposite number Lucio broke fast downfield before laying the ball off to the right.

2. Its cycling track is half the length of its opposite number in Pudong.

3. While Woosnam could still make a few tweaks for his opening pairings, his opposite number Tom Lehman says he has already inked in his fourball combinations.

4. A significant number of those who have successfully mutated into the opposite sex hide their gender history from their spouses.

5. opposite number是什么意思

5. Urgent as it is to expand the number of qualified nurses, hospitals seem to go the opposite way.

6. The opportunity to sit and talk with one's opposite number or someone from another country you have always wanted to meet must be worth something.

opposite number 英英释义


1. a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another

    Synonym: counterpart vis-a-vis
