
opponent [əˈpəʊnənt]  [əˈpoʊnənt] 


opponent 基本解释


名词对手; 敌手; 反对者

形容词对立的; 敌对的

opponent 同义词


名词rival enemy adversary foe competitor contender combatant

opponent 反义词

名词ally confederate

opponent 相关例句



1. He easily defeated his opponent in the election.

2. We beat our opponents at football.

opponent 网络解释


1. 对手:他们两个的表演的故事总是有着这样一种模式:劳瑞尔和哈台有一个共同的敌人,或是对手(opponent),两个人损害了一些对于那个人很有价值的东西,之后那个人又会来破坏劳瑞尔和哈台的东西,然后就是你来我往的一片混乱直到影片结束.

2. 对方:因此,正确的对对方(opponent)运球者防守应该:对方原地运球时,以手掌、小臂与肩做小动作吓唬威胁;其次对方运球由防守者右边过人时,防守者右脚先斜后划弧滑步,双手举高以合乎规则允许的立体垂直防守动作滑步跟随.

3. 反对者:巴尔根据行动功能(行动目的与指向)将行动者分为三类,即主体(Subject)与客体(Object)、施动者(Power)与接受者(Receiver)、帮助者(Helper)与反对者(Opponent).

4. 敌手:采用删除、更改、增添、重放、伪造等手段向系统注入假消息,以达到损人利己的目的,这类攻击称作主动攻击(active attack). 19. Kerckholf假设:通常假定密码分析者或敌手(opponent)知道所使用的密码系统,这个假设称作Kerckholf假设.

opponent 词典解释

1. (政治上的)对手,敌手
    A politician's opponents are other politicians who belong to a different party or who have different aims or policies.

    e.g. ...Mr Kennedy's opponent in the leadership contest...
    e.g. He described the detention without trial of political opponents as a cowardly act.

2. (体育竞赛中的)对手,竞争者
    In a sporting contest, your opponent is the person who is playing against you.

    e.g. Norris twice knocked down his opponent in the early rounds of the fight...
    e.g. He's the best opponent I've come across this season, a great player.

3. (观点、政策等的)反对者
    The opponents of an idea or policy do not agree with it and do not want it to be carried out.

    e.g. ...opponents of the spread of nuclear weapons...
    e.g. He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system.

opponent 单语例句

1. Now Russia is one of many countries, but for many years it was the opponent.

2. Australia's government is a vocal opponent of Japan's whaling program, but Greenpeace accuses Canberra of failing in its diplomatic attempts to halt the annual hunt.

3. While a Pennsylvania defeat for Clinton could spell the end of her candidacy, a sizable win would strengthen her claim to being the stronger general election opponent.

4. A very effective combat skill is to catch your opponent's finger and bend it.

5. opponent

5. They have accused him of not always facing the best available opponent, and of fighting more cautiously as he has moved up the weights.

6. " The old adage is to expect your opponent to make it, " Watney said.

7. Although he was fielded as centre forward he wandered all over the pitch, popping up wherever he could do most damage to the opponent.

8. opponent

8. Newcastle is without its top goalkeeper and opponent Sporting Lisbon doesn't have its key striker as they chase a UEFA Cup semifinal spot on Thursday.

9. opponent什么意思

9. The diminutive Japanese chaser is a master at turning her opponent's pace on her.

10. Points are tracked by an electronic scoring system now and are only awarded if fighters kick or punch their opponent's chest protector with sufficient force.

opponent 英英释义


1. someone who offers opposition

    Synonym: adversary antagonist opposer resister

2. opponent的近义词

2. a contestant that you are matched against

    Synonym: opposition opposite


1. opponent在线翻译

1. characterized by active hostility

    e.g. opponent (or opposing) armies

    Synonym: opposing
