1. Objecti:Analyze the applied effect of conventional method and improved method of opisthenar intravenous infusion.
2. Randomly Divide 250 opisthenar intravenous patients into two groups, the experimental group and contrast one. Apply the conventional as well as improved method to each group, then observe and analyze the pain degree in infusion.
3. Result:The severe pain degree has declined from 7.7% to 1.7% by improved method of opisthenar intravenous infusion, and light pain degree from 43.8% to 15%, but the painlessness has increased from 48.5% to 83.3% compared with the conventional method of intravenous infusion.
4. Objective To probe the clinical effect of intravenous transfusion by reverse puncture near metacarpophalangeal joints distal end of opisthenar.
5. We present a case of squamous cell carcinoma that developed on the opisthenar eminence of both hands of a professional painter after repeated exposure to paint.
6. Effects of conducting opisthenar intravenous transfusion for patients in two different kinds of body position
7. Comparison on effect of two different ways of opisthenar venipuncture