
operating ['ɒpəreɪtɪŋ]  [ˈɑpəˌretɪŋ] 






operating 基本解释

形容词操作的; 营运的; 业务上的; 外科手术的

动词运转; 操作( operate的现在分词); 管理; 做外科手术

operating 网络解释

1. 运行:在128Mb/256Mb DRAM产品部份,华邦提供能符合JEDEC委员会产品规格之最新型低耗电Mobile SDRAM 产品,不但能提供低运行(Operating)电流及低待机(Standby)电流,同时具备低操作电压特性(1.8V),可大幅提升个人化数字产品(如Smart Phone ,

2. 经营:上市公司向投资者报告盈利使用的,通常称为经营(operating)或名义(pro forma)收入已出现变化,正朝着会计师们坚持的方式靠近. 一些人称,是在萨班斯.奥克斯利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley)立法、监管严厉打击和企业不断崩溃和股东们的大声疾呼之后,

3. 营业,经营:reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策 | Operating 营业,经营 | operating capital 经营资本,流动资本

operating 词典解释

1. 经营的;业务上的;营业上的
    Operating profits and costs are the money that a company earns and spends in carrying out its ordinary trading activities, in contrast to such things as interest and investment.

    e.g. The group made operating profits of £80m before interest.
           该集团创造了 8,000万英镑的息前营业利润。

operating 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. It now has a single operating system that has increased business efficiency by 30 percent, the result said.

2. We will improve the system of receptions for government employees on official business, and scientifically set the allowed range for operating expenses of institutions.

3. This development has helped the domestic banks to expand their loan portfolios to multinationals and provided a business boost for foreign banks operating in China.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Among them four hotels were fined for operating a business without receiving a public health permit.

5. Airlines are also offered even more options and operating environments to suit their various business models.

6. Li is operating in a buyer's market and now has to ensure the theatre is run according to market demand.

7. Their withdrawal from the market was prompted by a new Russian regulation on immigrant labor to prevent foreigners from operating retail businesses in the country.

8. operating的反义词

8. The company is operating in a highly fragmented market dominated by small farms and the barriers to growth for these farms are extremely high.

9. operating的意思

9. Those new theaters with more advanced facilities and operating on a larger scale will all open by then.

10. The reduction also benefits flights operating at the Hong Kong International Airport and dovetails with the CAD's plan for enhancing runway capacity.

operating 英英释义


1. involved in a kind of operation

    e.g. the operating conditions of the oxidation pond
