open up

open up [ˈəupən ʌp]  [ˈopən ʌp] 

open up 基本解释

打开; 开发; <非正>开门; 切开

open up 相关例句

open up的翻译


1. They opened the country up to trade.

open up 情景对话

Savings Accounts-(储蓄帐户)

B:I like to open up a savings account please.

A:O.K. We offer a few different kinds.

B:I want the one with the highest interest rate.

A:That would be our Saver’s Plus account.

B:4.5%, that’s good. How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate?

A:You have to maintain a balance of $10,000 in the account or the rate drops to 3%.

B:All right. I’ll open one of those.

A:Just fill out these fomp3s, and I’ll be with you in one second.


Heating & Air-Conditioning-(暖气和空调)

A:Wow, you keep this place cold.

B:Yep. It’s cold in the summer, hot in the winter.

A:Your electricity bills must be enomp3ous.

B:Yeah, well, it’s a small price to pay to be comfortable, in my mind.

A:It is nice to come in here after a run.

B:Yeah. The central heating and air-conditioning works like a champ3.

A:I usually don’t use it unless it gets really hot. I just open up some windows, and I’m fine.

B:My friend’s family did the same thing. I could never get used to it, though.

open up 网络解释

open up

1. 开辟:建造(lay down)更多道路 优点:降低街道拥护程度加速车流(flow of traffic) 缺点:占地过多 2.开辟(open up)更多公共汽车线路 优点:减少自行车与小汽车 缺点:对部分人可能造成不方便 结论1.

2. 开始:那么,它是否不是一个自我满足的、没有限定的、因此开始(open up)的探求?如果这个研究在这儿跟我们相关,那么,由于这个讨论的那些元素,它在我们如今称之为人类科学的水平上被建立起来. 的确,在这些人类科学中,人们看到,

3. 打开:52.congratulate sb on sth祝贺某人某事; | up打开; | 54.apply for申请;

open up 词典解释

1. -> see open 2;13

2. (使)(地方、经济、兴趣领域等)开放
    If a place, economy, or area of interest opens up, or if someone opens it up, more people can go there or become involved in it.

    e.g. As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods...
    e.g. He said he wanted to see how Albania was opening up to the world...

3. (使)(机会、可能性等)出现;(使)产生
    If something opens up opportunities or possibilities, or if they open up, they are created.

    e.g. It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities...
    e.g. New opportunities are opening up for investors who want a more direct stake in overseas companies.

4. (通常指大幅度地在比赛中)取得(领先地位)
    If you open up a lead in a race or competition, you get yourself into a position where you are leading, usually by quite a long way.

    e.g. The Chinese team had opened up a lead of more than two minutes.

5. 开…的门
    When you open up a building, you unlock and open the door so that people can get in.

    e.g. Three armed men were waiting when the postmaster and his wife arrived to open up the shop...
    e.g. Open up, or I break in!

6. 畅谈;无拘无束地谈;自由自在地谈
    If someone opens up, they start to say exactly what they think or feel.

    e.g. Lorna found that people were willing to open up to her.

open up 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Chen said he planned to buy an apartment and open up a business with his newfound wealth.


2. Trade in services and investments will further open up by then with all sides.

3. The regulations were designed to open up China's wholesale oil market, traditionally dominated by CNPC and Sinopec.

4. They have also continued to call on Cuban authorities to open up the island's political system to democratic reform.

5. open up的翻译

5. The official also promised to further open up China's capital market and improve relevant regulations.

6. Traders with open positions had to come up with increasing amounts of cash to keep the position open.

7. Let the central government's new first document of the year open a new chapter in the ongoing saga of how rural China is catching up.

8. She acknowledged the project would open up the centre of America to world trade and enhance Canadian commerce in the process.

9. Qualified health institutions should also open up specialist smoking cessation outpatient departments, the circular said.

10. Now it is time for us to take stock of the past, chart the path for the future and open up a new vista for bilateral relations.

open up 英英释义



1. make available

    e.g. This opens up new possibilities

    Synonym: open

2. become available

    e.g. an opportunity opened up

    Synonym: open

3. talk freely and without inhibition

4. cause to open or to become open

    e.g. Mary opened the car door

    Synonym: open

5. become open

    e.g. The door opened

    Synonym: open

6. open up an area or prepare a way

    e.g. She pioneered a graduate program for women students

    Synonym: pioneer

7. start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning

    e.g. open a business

    Synonym: open
