
onus [ˈəʊnəs]  [ˈoʊnəs] 


onus 基本解释


名词<正>责任,义务; 负担,重担

onus 相关例句



1. The onus of proof lies with you.

onus 网络解释

1. 责任,负担:Omittere causam testamenti 忽视立遗嘱人?的意愿 | Onus 责任,负担 | Operis novi nuntiatio 新作业警告

2. 义务:onus of proof 举证责任 | onus 义务 | onus 责任

3. 焗亲:就系 yitx | 焗亲 onus | 开得 gatj

onus 词典解释

1. 义务;责任;职责
    If you say that the onus is on someone to do something, you mean it is their duty or responsibility to do it.

    e.g. The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description...
    e.g. The onus of proof is reversed in libel actions and placed firmly on the defender.

onus 单语例句

1. onus在线翻译

1. But such cases cannot be filed in court, placing the onus of the last judgment on the administrative branch.

2. Its onus of hubris has become glaringly incongruous to the aspirations of the overwhelming majority of the earth's inhabitants for peace and economic advancement.

3. Jia said the law places the onus on those companies to disprove certain claims that his lawsuit makes against them.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The onus is on individuals to uphold the values of fair play in academic work.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The onus is now on the UN's 191 member states to go beyond warm words and turn decisions into action.

6. Bush put the onus on Hamas to stop firing rockets as a first step to a truce.

7. The authorities should take the onus of implementing the policies and hand over the charge of supervision to some independent organizations.

8. onus的解释

8. By putting the onus for meaningful action on developing countries in this way developed countries are in effect curtailing developing countries right to development.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. All these factors put the onus on the government to play a leading role in market growth.

10. The onus is on the US to make a major shift in its negotiating stance.

onus 英英释义


1. onus的解释

1. an onerous or difficult concern

    e.g. the burden of responsibility
           that's a load off my mind

    Synonym: burden load encumbrance incumbrance
