on the march

on the march [ɔn ðə mɑ:tʃ]  [ɑn ði mɑrtʃ] 

on the march 基本解释

on the march


on the march 相关例句


1. Science is on the march.

on the march 网络解释


1. 进行中:on the make 在制作中 | on the march 进行中 | on the mat 受责备

2. 参加游行:on the farm 在农场 | on the march 参加游行 | on the other hand 另一方面

3. 行军进行中:march on 向...进军,集会,游行示威 | on the march 行军进行中 | treat sb as sth 把某人当作......

4. 参加游行,行军中,进行中:on the left 在左边 | on the march 参加游行,行军中,进行中 | on the other hand 另一方面; 但是

on the march 单语例句

1. on the march的近义词

1. Students line up for an interview during a job fair at the University of International Business and Economics on March 11.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The private loan business will be put to trial in Wenzhou on March 28.

3. on the march的意思

3. The act was signed into US law in March, and China filed complaints to the WTO in on April 17.

4. A subsequent march by the protesters ended on a square in front of the Beiyang Government headquarter.

5. It was expected to converge on a square outside Taipei's main railway station by the end of the march.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. The Grozny ceremonies were mirrored by festivities throughout the country, including a march past on Moscow's Red Square overseen by Putin.

7. On the evening of March 22, the flight to Beijing was delayed 15 minutes as the cabin crew rearranged luggage.

8. on the march

8. Lou was on March 6 promoted to deputy secretary general of the State Council, the cabinet.

9. Klinsmann will call up 21 or 22 players for the Italy match, who will remain the same for the Dortmund friendly against the USA on March 22.

10. Premier Wen on March 14 dismissed US complaints about China's exchange rate, calling them counterproductive and saying he did not believe the yuan was undervalued.
