
omit [əˈmɪt]  [oˈmɪt] 






omit 基本解释


及物动词省略; 遗漏; 删掉; 未(做)

omit 相关例句


1. The typist omitted the last line of the letter.

2. He omitted reading the second page.

3. This part of the book may be omitted.

4. You have omitted my name in from the list.

5. He omitted to explain why he had been late.

omit 网络解释

1. 忽略:4、 忽略(Omit)选项图11.19显示了对于图形选项的应用的效果. 页面A中图形采用的是高精度的图像(高分辨率方式)输出;页面B中图形采用的是低精度的图像(低分辨率方式)输出;页面C中图形采用的是忽略(Omit)方式;

2. 合理删除多余的不必要部分:Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信. | Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分. | Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理.

3. 忽略,漏:offer提供 | omit忽略,漏 | prefer喜欢,宁愿

omit 词典解释

1. omit的近义词

1. 省略;删节;排除;遗漏
    If you omit something, you do not include it in an activity or piece of work, deliberately or accidentally.

    e.g. Omit the salt in this recipe...
    e.g. Our apologies to David Pannick for omitting his name from last week's article.

2. 未(做);没有(做)
    If you omit to do something, you do not do it.

    e.g. His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him she was married.

omit 单语例句

1. The House measures omit the provisions, and congressional negotiators are trying to work out final bills.

2. omit的解释

2. The new law will omit or reduce taxes on vehicles using alternative energy, the statement said.

3. Appearing before the court, counsel for Tang argued it was unfair to omit the appellant from relief benefits.

4. If we omit breakfast and eat a late dinner, we consume more calories overall during the day.

omit 英英释义



1. leave undone or leave out

    e.g. How could I miss that typo?
           The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten

    Synonym: neglect pretermit drop miss leave out overlook overleap

2. prevent from being included or considered or accepted

    e.g. The bad results were excluded from the report
           Leave off the top piece

    Synonym: exclude except leave out leave off take out
