olive growing

olive growing [ˈɔliv ˈgrəʊɪŋ]  [ˈɑlɪv ˈɡroɪŋ] 

olive growing 基本解释
olive growing 网络解释

olive growing

1. 油橄榄栽培:vinegrowing, viticulture 葡萄栽培 | olive growing 油橄榄栽培 | arboriculture 树艺学

2. 橄榄栽培:olive 橄榄 | olive growing 橄榄栽培 | olive tree 橄榄树

3. 葡萄栽培:果树栽培vinegrowing, viticulture | 葡萄栽培olive growing | 油橄榄栽培arboriculture

4. 油橄榄栽培Yfb中国学习动力网:vinegrowing, viticulture 葡萄栽培Yfb中国学习动力网 | olive growing 油橄榄栽培Yfb中国学习动力网 | arboriculture 树艺Yfb中国学习动力网

olive growing 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Lin attributes the huge consumption increase to growing awareness of the health benefits of olive oil.

2. He refuses to reveal sales figures, but says consumer interest in olive oil is definitely growing.
