1. (橄榄褐):Mig37b兄:橄榄褐(Olive Drab)混合一些黑色及黄色,再加白色调浅. 其实是乱来的,实车照几乎每张都不同色调,随便跟自己喜欢的就好了.
2. 橄榄土褐色:6021 Pale green 浅绿色 | 6022 Olive drab 橄榄土褐色 | 6024 Traffic green 交通绿
3. 深绿褐色的:in hunting trim 穿着猎装 | olive-drab 深绿褐色的 | extort 敲诈, 逼取, 强取, 勒索
4. 草绿色;深绿褐色:olive 橄榄绿 | olive drab 草绿色;深绿褐色 | olive green 橄榄绿,茶绿色
1. There were also military influences, but not of the drab camo or olive green variety.
1. olive drab
1. a cloth of an olive-brown color used for military uniforms
2. military uniform of the United States Army
made from cloth of a dull olive color
Synonym: olive-drab uniform
3. olive drab
3. a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown
Synonym: drab