of a sort

of a sort [ɔv ə sɔ:t]  [ʌv e sɔrt] 

of a sort 基本解释


of a sort 情景对话

In the hospital emergency ward-(在医院急诊室)

A:How’s it feel?

B:About the same.

A:Someone will be out to take a look any minute now.

B:Should we be here, Alice? I don’t think it’s that serious.
      艾丽斯,我们要来这儿吗? 我看没那么严重。

A:Of course! It’s the sort of thing a hospital emergency ward is for.
      当然得来这儿啦! 医院的急诊室就是干这个的。

C:Will he have to wait much longer?

A:I hope not. It isn’t that busy.

Getting Started-(成立公司)

A:Let's review our start-up plans. When do you think we will be able to move into our new office?

B:Well, we can move in any time after July first, but moving in and actually getting started are two different things.

A:Good point. Anyway, I have our new marketing manager, Helen Parker, helping us get set up.

B:What is she doing?

A:She's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth.

B:Does she have a background in that sort of thing?

A:As a matter of fact, it turns out she practically ran her last company, from marketing to finance.

B:I'm looking forward to meeting her.

A:Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.

B:Yes, I've started. And I've found some good people for R and D, too. Then there are the art people designing our logos-

A:Oh, no! Millions of details: logos, slogans, letterhead, name cards . . .

B:You thought setting up a company was going to be easy?

of a sort 网络解释

of a sort

1. 同一类的:of a piece 一致的 | of a sort 同一类的 | of account 重要

2. 同一种[类], 相当的, 勉强称得上的, 较差的, 所谓的:nothing of the sort 根本没有那样的事情 | of a sort 同一种[类], 相当的, 勉强称得上的, 较差的, 所谓的 | of all sorts 各种各样的

3. 差劲的,劣等的:4.点着,使爆炸,炸开 shoot off the fire crackers | of a sort 差劲的,劣等的 | They served coffee of a sort.他们供应的咖啡很差.

4. 属同一个种类的:sort out整理归类 | of a sort属同一个种类的 | lose one's sight 丧失视力

of a sort 单语例句

1. The ceasefire succeeded to restore a sort of calmness and Israel started to gradually lift the sanctions.

2. The officers told the newspaper they were powerless to stop the animals, as they were not driving a cart or any other sort of vehicle.

3. In a way, the latter are a sort of " untouchable " caste.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The Mosuo had a caste system that was sort of a slave society with a small noble class.

5. So that was a good sign in a bad sort of way.

6. Under the category " Rights and Duty " were the 10 entries, meant to be a sort of users'manual for the good mobster.

7. I have a sort of Alzheimer's for my own work, which I think is a very good thing.

8. A region of chromosome 11 where genes of any sort had never been described.

9. Rumors the 373 m volcanic lake harbors some sort of monster have been circulating for more than a century.

10. Would they think it was the name of a lover, a tribute to an idol or some sort of code?
