1. 食管:(一) 食管 食管(Oesophagus)是连于咽和胃之间的肌质管. 起自咽的后部、喉口背侧. 其主要功能是运送食物人胃. 牛、马的食管在颈部起始段位于喉和气管的背侧,向后方延伸,逐渐转到气管的左侧,形成食管襻,到胸前口处又重新转到气管背侧进入胸腔.
2. 食道:4.食 道(OESOPHAGUS) 呈肌管状,富扩张性. 5.嗉 囊(CROP) 位於颈基础部,微偏於右侧,嗉囊一般作模囊状,很小,正中宽约二公分,长约五公分,不如鸡发达. 6.前 胃(PROVENTRICLE)或腺胃(GLANDULAR PORION) 前胃位於腹腔正中面之左侧,
3. 食道;食管:oese (接种用)白金饵 | oesophagus 食道;食管 | oestradiol 雌(甾)二醇
1. 食管;食道
Your oesophagus is the part of your body that carries the food from the throat to the stomach.
1. Feelings of nausea are a result of the toxic effects of alcohol on the body's oesophagus and gastric mucosa in the stomach.
2. The membranes inside her mouth and oesophagus fell away whenever they tried to feed her through a tube.