
observations [ɒbzə'veɪʃnz]  [ɒbzə'veɪʃnz] 


observations 基本解释
观察资料( observation的名词复数 );观察力;注意;言论;
observations 网络解释

1. 观察:质化研究资料的收集主要采用观察(Observations)、访谈(Interviews)、档案分析(Documents)、视听材料 (Audiovisual materials)分析四种主要方法手段. 资料的分析一般采取由现象逐步抽象到概念的归纳分析而不是演绎分析.

2. 观测值:另一个例子是二阶段研究设计(two-stage(e)传统回归分析的基本假设之一,是观测值(observations) 之间互为独立. 然而许多实际情形下,观测值之间为相依的;如时空群聚资料、家族性资料等.

3. 观察结果:observational error 观测误差 | observations 观察结果 | observatory 气象台

4. 观察值:observation unit 观测单位 | observations 观察值 | observed individual number 甸个体数

observations 单语例句

1. They perturb particles in the rings by creating " density waves " of gravity spotted by Voyager 2 in 1981 and in other new observations by Cassini.

2. Police were waiting for a government team of officials and scientists to survey the area and report on their observations before taking any action.

3. observations的反义词

3. The new ultraviolet observations were compared with similar observations made in laboratories, where researchers determined how much UV light would be reflected by water versus other material.

4. The observations that fisetin protects and promotes survival of cultured neurons and boosts memory in healthy mice make it a promising candidate for further studies.

5. The Hubble team hopes to resume celestial observations by the end of summer, following an intensive series of tests.

6. observations的意思

6. Roberts said that those sighting the craft have " absolute confidence " in their observations, claiming no chance of it being anything else.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Heather Morris offers a few hilarious observations as ditsy cheerleader Brittany, but they're in sharp contrast to her expert dance moves.

8. He believes personal observations complement theoretical knowledge and help students understand the interactions between human beings and the environment better.

9. While they concede that themes and ideas can be drawn from their creations, they leave it to others to make their own observations.

10. The innovative company explores observations from life with refinement and depth, and is active in creating through collaborations with artists of different media.
