1. 债权人:我国担保法第六条规定:本法所称保证,是指保证人和债权人约定,当债务人不履行债务时,保保证者,为保证人(surety)保证如被保证人(principal)或称义务人(obliger)不履行与债权人(obligee)约定之应负义务时,由保证人对债权人之损失
2. 权利人:浮动抵押指权利人(Obligee)以现有的和将有的全部财产或者部分财产为债务(Debt)提供担保. 债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,债权人有权就约定实现抵押权时的动产优先受偿.
3. 受惠人:obligation bond 债务债券 | obligee 受惠人 | occupational retirement scheme 职业退休计划
4. 受恩惠的人:受恶梦惊扰的hagridden | 受恩惠的人obligee | 受罚的penal
1. One of the constitutive components of trade secret infringement is that the infringing act has caused great loss upon the obligee.
2. obligee的意思
2. But once the obligee take measures which meet the legal requirements, it is quite reasonable that clients lists could be protected as trade secrets.