名词肥胖症; 肥胖,过胖
1. 肥胖,肥胖症:我不要肥胖肥胖症(obesity)是一组常见的、古老的代谢症候群. 当人体进食热量多于消耗热量时,多余热量以脂肪形式储存于体内,其量超过正常生理需要量,且达一定值时遂演变为肥胖症. 正常男性成人脂肪组织重量约占体重的15%-18%,
2. 肥:从一项包括五百七十七位孕妇的研康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)的奥臣教授(ProfessorChristineOlson)说,从一项包括五百七十七位孕妇的研究发现,在怀孕时,假设孕妇的体重过分增加,她们日後变成痴肥(obesity)的机会比较一般的高
1. obesity的近义词
1. Rankin said the exact mechanism by which obesity would contribute to birth defects isn't known, but the researchers have several theories.
2. The plan aims to cap the adult obesity rate within 12 percent and set up major cancer treatment projects in high prevalence areas.
3. Doctors aren't yet sure if other cardiac risk factors like cholesterol and obesity also affect women differently.
4. There also is a proven link between excessive use of edible oil and obesity and cardinal diseases.
5. Urbanization is associated with changes in diet and the physical exertion routine, increasing obesity in society and heightening the risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
6. obesity什么意思
6. Both diabetes and obesity raise blood pressure, increasing the chances of a cardiovascular disorder or even heart attack.
7. " The high prevalence of obesity in this case series is striking, " the CDC's commentary accompanying the report reads.
8. obesity的解释
8. STOCKHOLM - A research showed China faced a big challenge to fight rising obesity, the head of an international study association told Xinhua Monday.
9. obesity的近义词
9. Tang is also leader of a child obesity research group backed by the city's health bureau.
10. Maradona has battled obesity and cocaine addiction since his 1997 retirement and has had eight serious hospitalizations in the decade since.
1. more than average fatness
Synonym: fleshiness corpulency