
obese [əʊˈbi:s]  [oʊˈbi:s] 

obese 基本解释



obese 反义词


形容词lean thin spare scrawny

obese 网络解释

1. 肥胖:BMI30 kgm-2,而体重尚未超过标准体重100%或45 kg即为肥胖(Obese). 体重超过标准体重100%以上者,为病态肥胖(morbid obesity),PaCO2仍在正常范围的肥胖者为单纯肥胖,出现低通气量及高CO2血症者为肥胖性低通气量综合征(Pickwickian Syndrome).

2. 肥胖的:obelus 疑问记号 | obese 肥胖的 | obesity 肥胖

3. (过度肥胖的 - 通常用在医学上):fat (胖- 较没有礼貌的字) | obese (过度肥胖的 - 通常用在医学上) | tall(高)

4. 过度肥胖的:obducens 丸衣;包丸衣 | obese 过度肥胖的 | obesitas 肥胖症;多脂

obese 词典解释

1. 过分肥胖的;臃肿的;虚胖的
    If someone is obese, they are extremely fat.

    e.g. The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary...
    e.g. Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.

...the excessive consumption of sugar that leads to problems of obesity.
obese 单语例句

1. obese的反义词

1. Add in diabetic dehydration and other conditions common in the obese, and it's a recipe for trouble.

2. Obese people had a higher risk, with the extra weight putting additional stress on the knee joint.

3. obese的翻译

3. A national survey shows that one in four boys in China's cities is clinically overweight or obese.

4. Overweight or obese people did not experience significantly different changes in memory or cognitive function compared to those with normal weight.

5. obese是什么意思

5. Obese women trying to become pregnant experience longer times to conception, even if they are young and have a regular menstrual cycle.

6. Nearly a third of US adults are considered obese with a BMI of 30 or more.

7. obese的近义词

7. The results seem to contradict stereotypes that overweight and obese women have less sex.

8. obese的解释

8. Obese children stand a greater risk of contracting cancer in adulthood, according to a newly released study by Tel Aviv University's Medical School.

9. obese的解释

9. " If you are obese as a child it does track into adulthood, " she said.

10. The Supreme Court in Canada ruled that obese and disabled people travelling on airplanes cannot be forced to buy a second seat.

obese 英英释义


1. excessively fat

    e.g. a weighty man

    Synonym: corpulent weighty rotund
