
nutrients ['nju:trɪənts]  ['nju:trɪrnts] 


nutrients 基本解释
营养物,营养品( nutrient的名词复数 );
nutrients 网络解释


1. 营养物:上图所见 , 是科学家发明的仿生物晶片,晶片中央的小孔装有一个生物细胞,科学家将营养物 (nutrients) 从小管注入细胞,使细胞可以继续活著;下图所见,是科学家使用显微镜,将晶片内的前列腺癌细胞 (prostate cancer cell) 放大.

2. 养分:2 土壤是土地的重要组成部分 肥沃的土壤必须由比例合理的土壤颗粒(PARTIELES)构成有平衡的养分(NUTRIENTS)其中喊有一些有机物质 并有适当的湿度(MOISTURE) 地壳(THE EARTH'S CRUST)大都太坚硬或对作物生产而言养分不平横 同样的

nutrients 单语例句

1. One piece of glazed doughnut from a doughnut chain store contains 200 kcal of empty calories with precious few nutrients.

2. Partial blockages can cause chest pain as the heart struggles to get by on less oxygen and nutrients than it needs.

3. Grove said, though the diet also contains adequate protein and nutrients.

4. nutrients的解释

4. Their young need food that is high in nutrients if they are to stand a good chance of reaching adulthood.

5. It is critical for expecting mothers to get enough nutrients during this stage to ensure the proper growth of the baby.

6. A problem with cutting out calories or certain foods to shed pounds is that nutrients can be lost from the diet.

7. A cycle of exercising and relaxing the spine creates a pumping activity whereby spinal discs soak up water and nutrients like a sponge.

8. They are easily rehydrated and do not lose any nutrients through the dehydration process.

9. Cigarette smoke and tar deprive the skin of vital nutrients and oxygen, leaving it looking dull and lustreless.

10. It turns a menu into the equivalent of plain rice, which has the necessary nutrients but is devoid of flavor.
