
nursing [ˈnɜ:sɪŋ]  [ˈnɜ:rsɪŋ] 








nursing 基本解释


名词护理,看护; 养育

动词护理( nurse的现在分词); 照料; 喂; 吃奶

形容词领养(孩子)的; 被领养的

nursing 相关例句



1. She takes up nursing as a career.

nursing 网络解释

1. 护理:烹饪 某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening) 烹饪(cooking), ) 烹饪( , ) 防身术( ,护理 .假如你是王跃华 ,写 防身术(self-defence) 护理(nursing) 假如你是王跃华(不可以用自己的真实姓名)写 ) 护理( ,

2. 护理学:安河医疗人手短缺,所以和医学相关的科目,例如牙科、医科、视光学(Optometry)、药剂、兽医、护理学(Nursing)和物理治疗及康复科的毕 业生最为吃香,其毕业后6 个月的就业率在 95.2% 至 100% 之间,两年后除了护士的 99.5%外,

3. 护士:特别是护士(Nursing)是安大略省在未来几年内都非常急需的工作. 而在制药,环境,和食品等方向,公司研究开发(Research and development),质量检控(Quality control)和政府部门都会成为你非常理想的工作的所在. 而要想成功应聘到这些职务,

4. 护理学院:而该校大学部与研究所的科系,主要隶属在11个学院之下,分别为:商学院(Business)、法学院、医学院(Medicine、研究学院(Graduate College)、药学院(Pharmacy)、教育学院(Education)、牙医学院(Dentistry)、护理学院(Nursing)、工程学院(Eng

nursing 词典解释

1. 护理(工作);护理行业
    Nursing is the profession of looking after people who are ill.

    e.g. She had no aptitude for nursing...
    e.g. Does the nursing staff seem to care?

nursing 单语例句

1. BEIJING - Beijing is to build a massive nursing home in its downtown area to cater for rising demand for senior care.

2. One problem is that many older people cannot afford the fees charged by many nursing homes and are forced to continue living alone.

3. Soon after his milk feed, he was trying to pull away and chew at the nursing expert's clothes.

4. When the final regulation was released, the ministry changed the phrase " infant food containers " into " infant nursing bottles " for clarification.

5. nursing的近义词

5. Additionally, the government encourages channeling social resources into the building and upgrading of nursing homes.

6. But the speech was also a splash of cold water for Africans still nursing grievances over colonial rule.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He knew if he could command these nursing skills by himself, he would only need to call on help from hospital staff when strictly necessary.

8. Senior citizens practice traditional Chinese drawing at a community nursing home in northern China's Tianjin city.

9. With four or five job offers in hand, they are still weighing the pros and cons of accepting certain nursing posts.

10. nursing的近义词

10. Ballack was nursing a similar injury at the start of the 2006 World Cup and he ended up missing the opening match against Costa Rica.

nursing 英英释义



1. nursing在线翻译

1. the work of caring for the sick or injured or infirm

2. nursing什么意思

2. nourishing at the breast

    Synonym: breast feeding

3. the profession of a nurse
