
numberless [ˈnʌmbələs]  [ˈnʌmbərləs] 

numberless 基本解释


numberless 相关例句


1. He had bad digestion, fevers and numberless other illnesses.

numberless 网络解释

1. 无数的:numberless as the sand 多如牛毛的 | numberless 无数的 | numbers pool 一种赌博

2. 无数/无数的/数不清的:numberer /手拨号码机/ | numberless /无数/无数的/数不清的/ | numbers /数/数据/

3. 为何天使不打算送回你:为何满载我悲伤的马车寻不见你? Dearest, the shadows I live with are | 为何天使不打算送回你? numberless | 难道就是因为我要和你在一起? Little white flowers will never awaken you

4. 无数的, 无号数的 (形):numbering 编号方式 (名) | numberless 无数的, 无号数的 (形) | Numbers 民数记 (名)

numberless 词典解释

1. 无数的;数不胜数的
    If there are numberless things, there are too many to be counted.

    e.g. ...numberless acts of personal bravery by firefighters and rescue workers.

numberless 单语例句

1. What distinguishes digital contents from physical contents is that they can be duplicated at numberless channels without incurring any cost.

numberless 英英释义


1. too numerous to be counted

    e.g. incalculable riches
           countless hours
           an infinite number of reasons
           innumerable difficulties
           the multitudinous seas
           myriad stars
           untold thousands

    Synonym: countless infinite innumerable innumerous multitudinous myriad uncounted unnumberable unnumbered unnumerable
