number two

number two [ˈnʌmbə tu:]  [ˈnʌmbɚ tu] 

number two 基本解释
number two 网络解释


1. 第二位的:number one 自身利益 | number two 第二位的 | number

2. 第二个:explosion.|火光 | Number two...|第二个... | the Widow Nazaret...|纳萨雷特的遗孀...

3. 路线二:St. Vincent Thomas Bridge, that's escape route number one.|逃走路线一是圣云逊汤玛士桥 | Number two:|路线二... | Over here. Anaheim to the 110.|是安纳咸公路往110公路

4. 附加题:大/小便(动词):10、打冷战 - got the chills, shaking | 11、吹口哨 - whistle | 附加题:大/小便(动词)piss, shit; tinkle,poop; number one, number two; pee, crap; etc etc

number two 单语例句

1. One goal is to cut the number of people living in extreme poverty by fifty percent by two thousand fifteen.

2. China has seen a number of cab strikes across the country due to gas price hikes and worsening traffic jams over the past two years.

3. number two

3. Li said he waited for two hours for his number to be called, because more than 60 elderly people were waiting in line to do the same thing.

4. number two

4. Chinese and Japanese tourism officials have called for more tourism cooperation and a bigger number of visits between the peoples in the two countries.

5. The first two is the number of Chinese people who I taught to play canasta.

6. China recently cut the number of its centrally administered State enterprises to 147 after two rounds of restructuring.

7. He wants to add two more telephone lines by the end of 2005 and increase the number of operators to 50.

8. number two什么意思

8. The company also plans to add 50 dealerships in the next two to three years and double the number in the next five years.

9. Add to that the fact that she's about to pop out baby number two, and Spears won't be disappearing from the top of the list soon.

10. Christchurch Hospital said it had treated two men with serious injuries and a number of people with minor injuries.
