now then

now then [nau ðen]  [naʊ ðɛn] 

now then 基本解释

now then在线翻译

用于表示不赞成[劝慰]的话语之前; 用以引出要说的话,以提出建议[征询回应]; 考虑下一步要做的事或要说话时,用来填补暂时的停顿

now then 网络解释

1. 如今:- No one's escaped, Captain. - Excellent work, matey.|- 一个也没逃走,船长 - 干得好,好吧 | Now then.|如今 | Now is your only chance to speak.|你们只有一次机会

2. 那么:I say when doomsday is approaching|应该由我说了算 | Now, then|那么 | What about the rest of the Warsaw Pact countries?|华沙条约的其他成员国呢?

3. 好啦,嗝:-So glad you thought of this. -Me too.|-幸好他想起来了 -是啊 | Now, then...|好啦,嗝...... | ...where were we?.|说到哪儿了?

4. 时而,偶尔:nothing but 只有,只不过 | now then 时而,偶尔 | off on 断断续续,间歇地

now then 单语例句

1. He enjoyed hanging out on the street all day with his Tibetan friends, picking up small carpentry jobs now and then.

2. But all the three banks denied the report then and Guo now again discouraged the rumor of CCB's investment in Standard Chartered.

3. And every now and then I still have to order pizza from Pizza Hut just to change things up at dinner time.

4. now then的反义词

4. First the banks rescued other banks and then states rescued banks, and now a community of states is rescuing individual states.

5. Tym Glaser is a senior sports copy editor who is prone to a tad of homesickness every now and then.

6. Who among us have not fantasized every now and then about being a war correspondent, filing stories on wireless phone from the trenches?


7. The question then becomes, how will the schizophrenic league react now that it's reached yet another crossroads?

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8. Although some sound fun, so I might dabble now and then!

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. High property prices in the past didn't cause as much despair as they do now, because people had hope then.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. As an environmentally aware urbanite, you may wonder every now and then how much paper you dispose of every year.
