now and then

now and then [nau ænd ðen]  [naʊ ənd ðɛn] 

now and then 基本解释

有时,时而,不时; 间或

now and then 网络解释

1. 那些日子以来:随后,他们发现学校的校长和一个顶尖运动员与这个案子有牵连,于是一个更加险恶的阴谋开始浮出水面......对于18岁的鲁默来说,这将是第3次与父母中的一位一同在影片中亮相:第一次是与母亲摩尔合拍<<那些日子以来>>(Now and Then),出演一名5岁的小姑娘;

2. 时而,偶尔:nothing but 只有,只不过 | now and then 时而,偶尔 | off and on 断断续续,间歇地

3. 时而,不时:take notice of 注意,留心 . | now and then 时而,不时 . | from now on 今后,从现在起 .

now and then 单语例句

1. now and then

1. He enjoyed hanging out on the street all day with his Tibetan friends, picking up small carpentry jobs now and then.

2. But all the three banks denied the report then and Guo now again discouraged the rumor of CCB's investment in Standard Chartered.

3. And every now and then I still have to order pizza from Pizza Hut just to change things up at dinner time.

4. First the banks rescued other banks and then states rescued banks, and now a community of states is rescuing individual states.

5. Tym Glaser is a senior sports copy editor who is prone to a tad of homesickness every now and then.

6. Who among us have not fantasized every now and then about being a war correspondent, filing stories on wireless phone from the trenches?

7. now and then的意思

7. Although some sound fun, so I might dabble now and then!

8. As an environmentally aware urbanite, you may wonder every now and then how much paper you dispose of every year.

9. There's a big difference, and every now and then of course I go out and eat what I like.

10. " Bad news about abusing and killing stray cats emerge every now and then, " Zhao said.

now and then 英英释义

now and then的意思


1. now and then or here and there

    e.g. he was arrogant and occasionally callous
           open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees
           they visit New York on occasion
           now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us
           as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention

    Synonym: occasionally on occasion once in a while now and again at times from time to time
