
novice [ˈnɒvɪs]  [ˈnɑ:vɪs] 


novice 基本解释

名词初学者,新手; 新信徒; 尚未赢过大赛的赛马

novice 相关例句



1. I'm a novice at bridge.

novice 网络解释


1. 初学者:第三部分 职业名称: 初学者(Novice):这个职业在历史中并不是真正存在的,这个词的第一次使用是于第二次世界大战期间,是专门用来嘲笑那些不能熟练使用枪械的士兵,后流传很广.

2. 初心者:初心者(Novice)女1)初心者(Novice):具有挑战精神,熟知度过难关的各种方法. 且任何时候都想学习新鲜事物. 初心者(Novice)男初心者(Novice)女剑士(Swordman)男剑士(Swordman)女法师(Enchanter)男法师(Enchanter)女新兵(Recruit)男新兵(Recruit)女搞笑艺人(Clown)男搞笑艺人(Clown)女

3. (初学):对于大多数的漂移技术来说,我们可以将它分为四个等级:初学(Novice),中级(Medium),专家级(Expert)和职业级(Professional). 注意,这些技术在任何级别的漂移中都会被使用到,所以,车手级别的高低取决于你会什么,而不是你使用了什么.

novice 词典解释

1. 新手;生手;初学者
    A novice is someone who has been doing a job or other activity for only a short time and so is not experienced at it.

    e.g. I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional...
    e.g. As a novice writer, this is something I'm interested in.

2. 见习修士(或修女)
    In a monastery or convent, a novice is a person who is preparing to become a monk or nun.

novice 单语例句

1. It does not have the sharp hit of white spirits on nose and guts, but possesses a deceiving subtlety that may catch the novice unawares.

2. Every novice who first comes to know English Debate always feel frustrated about how difficult it is to convey thoughts out clearly and fluently.

3. It's cruel but few things entertain like watching a novice who has just chomped on a Sichuan pepper corn.

4. The defender is usually a novice, while the questioner is a more experienced debater.

5. This is reminiscent of glue or kerosene and may put off novice drinkers who chose the wine for its freshness.

6. novice

6. Greene pleaded guilty six years ago to indecency with the same novice monk from the Hitt case and was sentenced to 10 years'probation.

7. But I do have a word of advice for novice home chefs.

8. A picture might look " beautiful " to the trained eye but incomprehensible to the novice, especially when it comes to abstract art.

9. Whenever a novice or an intern asks her about the salary, Zhou never tries to hide the facts.

10. During tandem jumps, a novice skydiver is harnessed to the chest of an experienced jumper.

novice 英英释义


1. someone new to a field or activity

    Synonym: beginner tyro tiro initiate


2. someone who has entered a religious order but has not taken final vows

    Synonym: novitiate
