1. 期票, 本票:note of dishonour 退票通知书 | note of hand 期票, 本票 | note of register 票据登记簿
2. 期票:note frequency 音频 | note of hand 期票 | note of protest 提出海事声明
3. 借条:note of dishonor ==> 退票通知 | note of hand ==> 借条 | note of protest ==> 拒付通知书,拒付通知书
4. 早期票:note frequency音频 | note of hand早期票 | note of protest提出海事声明
1. a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time
e.g. I had to co-sign his note at the bank
Synonym: note promissory note