not to say

not to say [nɔt tu: sei]  [nɑt tu se] 

not to say 基本解释


not to say 相关例句

not to say在线翻译


1. His language was irreverent, not to say blasphemous.

not to say 网络解释

not to say的解释

1. 虽说不上:not to put too fine an edge on it 直截了当 | not to say 虽说不上 | not turn a hair 不动声色

2. 即使不说是:have one's say表示意见 | not to say即使不说是 | say to oneself心中暗想

3. 更不用说:It is a shame that... ......是让人感到惭愧的. | Not to say... 更不用说...... | In my pinion, it is not wise or possible to forbid...since... 我认为因为......而禁止......是不明智的,也是不可能的.

not to say 单语例句

1. Some economists say the stimulus measures may buy time but will not be enough to solve the woes that have roiled global financial markets.

2. Flu experts say some people may not become fatally ill with the infection, so it is difficult to calculate a true mortality rate.

3. Cannon did not say when Canada is likely to sign an extradition treaty with China, but said that the procedure will consider judicial systems in both countries.

4. not to say的意思

4. They say it is essential that a president receive candid advice from advisers not subject to congressional subpoenas.

5. not to say什么意思

5. This is not to say that people are generally unhappy with the standard of medical care in Hong Kong.

6. not to say的反义词

6. Xinhua did not say why the case took eight years to come to trial.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Analysts say actual oil demand so far has not recovered from last year's fall strongly enough to drive prices higher.

8. Zhou did not name the specific measure to rein the inflation, but sources say the commission uses administrative policies more and more cautiously.

9. It was not immediately clear if Ahmadinejad would cave in to Khamenei's order, who has the final say on all state matters in Iran.

10. That is not to say we Chinese people clap our hands only ceremoniously.
