not once

not once [nɔt wʌns]  [nɑt wʌns] 

not once 基本解释


not once 网络解释

1. 一次也没有:You know, he hasn't pressured me about sex once.|知道吗 性生活方面 他从没强迫过我 | Not once.|一次也没有 | Wow. Sounds like you really like him.|看来你很喜欢他

2. 一次都没能:his name's Bison...|拜森 | Not once.|一次都没能 | This guy walks through the raindrops.|这个家伙行事不留任何痕迹

3. 一次也不:more than once 不止一次, 多次 | not once 一次也不 | once again 再一次

4. 一次没提过:You've never mentioned the forest or anything to do with nature.|你从没说过什么森林和保护大自然的事 | Not once.|一次没提过 | What the fuck are you doing up there?|你他妈在树上做什么

not once 单语例句

1. But it does not mean that most would do a good job once they were given the autonomy with their present governing mode.

2. They told him using them once in a while would not lead to addiction, and taking drugs would help him overcome his fear and depression.

3. not once的解释

3. Holmes'comments just might get her into Kidman's good books once again, for reports have been circulating that alls not well between the two women.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Marx once said that the theory of class struggle was not his discovery.

5. But he did not present a formal US peace plan or any timetable for a deal he had once promised to clinch by September.

6. It's not the kind of stuff you need every day but its clutter we all crave once in a while.

7. Premier fashion designer Coco Chanel once said that luxury was not the opposite of poverty, but rather the opposite of vulgarity.

8. not once

8. " You only need a colonoscopy once every 10 years which works out not that expensive, " said Yuen.

9. not once什么意思

9. But once I stop complaining and step out of my comfort zone, what would seem to be irritating red tape is actually not that hard to handle.

10. The once " silent and tame " workers start to claim their rights and do not want to compromise for poor treatment any more.
