not guilty

not guilty [nɔt ˈɡilti]  [nɑt ˈɡɪlti] 

not guilty 基本解释

[法] 无罪

not guilty 网络解释

not guilty

1. 无罪 无罪:nonresident 非(某地)居民 非(某地)居民 | not guilty 无罪 无罪 | notary public 公证人 公证人

2. 筷子--孔子的筷子出口,就不会有愧疚了:10,棒球--只有大的游船才能有棒球场(铁泰尼克号可以)--the loss of Titanic | 11,筷子--孔子的筷子出口,就不会有愧疚了--not guilty | 12,婴儿--在荒岛上就要光屁股和婴儿差不多--life on a desert island

3. 罪名不成立:On the charge of murder, the members find the accused...|谋杀罪名,陪审团认为该项指控... | not guilty.|罪名不成立 | On the charge of conspiracy to commit murder...|共谋谋杀罪名...

not guilty 单语例句

1. not guilty

1. Both defendants pleaded not guilty to charges of attempting to extort and conspiring to extort by means of threats.

2. Their client has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, but prosecutors are seeking the death penalty and have portrayed him as highly intelligent.

3. Yates already has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to the charges against her.

4. The animal rights activist told NZPA he " rescued " the hens from Turks farm in November 2006 and indicated he would plead not guilty.

5. But the paper said it could not be determined to which charge he would plead guilty.

6. A third man pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after prosecutors said they did not have the evidence to convict him of murder.

7. Brooks pleaded not guilty Tuesday to additional charges including predatory sexual assault, which carries a potential life sentence.

8. not guilty是什么意思

8. Jackson has pleaded not guilty in Santa Barbara County to child molestation, conspiracy and administering alcohol to an underage companion.

9. Anders Behring Breivik has confessed to the attacks but denied criminal responsibility, pleading not guilty on Monday to one of the deadliest modern mass killings in peacetime.

10. Such a system does not exclude the possibility of connivance of the guilty, especially with the influence of defending attorneys'professional skills.

not guilty 英英释义


1. not guilty什么意思

1. declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime
    legally blameless

    e.g. he stands acquitted on all charges
           the jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity

    Synonym: acquitted
