not bad

not bad [nɔt bæd]  [nɑt bæd] 

not bad 基本解释


不错; 不大离儿; 还好; 不离儿

not bad 情景对话


A:My advice would be to finish it at once.

B:That’s not a bad idea.


A:I could never (get used to/ grow accustomed to) it, though.

B:It’s not too bad


A:What do you do when people ask you for money?

B:I rarely give people money.

A:Why not?

B:I never know what they’re going to use it for.

A:What do you think they use it for?

B:Some beggars have to give their money to someone else, some people actually need it, and some people use it to buy alcohol.

A:So do you just ignore them?

B:No, I try to treat them nicely. If I have food, I give it to them.

A:What if they’re not hungry?

B:I think that if they’re begging for money, they must be hungry.

A:I guess. Do you ever feel bad for not giving them money?

B:Sometimes I do. What do you do?

A:I always give the money.

B:How much do you give them?

A:A few dollars.

B:That’s a lot of money. Do they ever say thank you?

A:Some people do.

B:Do you think they need the money?

A:I’m not one to judge.

B:What if they’re using it for alcohol?

A:Then so what. If I give them money, it’s theirs. They can use it how they like.

B:It’s difficult situation, isn’t it?

A:It sure is.

not bad 网络解释


1. 还不错:9. I agree. 我同意. | 10. Not bad. 还不错. | 11. Not yet. 还没.

2. 不赖哦:207 Nobody's home! 没人在家. | 208 Not bad! 不赖哦! | 209 Not good! 不太好!

not bad 单语例句

1. not bad的反义词

1. " Caning is probably not a bad example, " Johnson said of shareholders'reaction to Anthony's pay package.

2. " It's not perfect but it's certainly not bad, " McAteer said.

3. The Chinese yam juice and pear and guava juice were both not bad.

4. The staff members not in a " particularly auspicious spot " because of layout constraints could still adjust their immediate environment to minimize potentially bad energies.

5. not bad

5. But as I have observed, it is not common that the good get rewards and the bad their comeuppance.

6. not bad的翻译

6. Seniority is not all that bad when it comes to experience and the consequent accumulation of expertise.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. But unavoidable is a slowdown of the credit expansion if the national economy is not to be caught between rising bad loans and vicious inflation.

8. It's not enough to attribute violent, unruly and criminal behavior to bad human nature.

9. The shuttle is the world's most complicated aeronautical machine, so 40 percent may not be so bad.

10. No matter how bad the poem is, it's not necessary to debunk Wang too much.
