
nosedive [ˈnəʊzdaɪv]  [ˈnoʊzdaɪv] 

nosedive 基本解释


名词急转直下; 暴跌; 急剧下降; (飞行器的)俯冲

不及物动词(价格、费用等)骤降; 急剧下跌; (飞行器)俯冲

nosedive 网络解释

1. (价格等)暴跌:Nikkei Stock Aver age 日经股票平均指数 | nosedive (价格等)暴跌 | NYSE'Volume 纽约股票交易量

2. 俯冲 急降:utter v发出 做声 adi全然的绝对的 | nosedive 俯冲 急降 | scramble for 争夺 勉强拼凑

3. 暴跌:lose 减少 | nosedive 暴跌 | plunge 暴跌

4. 暴落:nosecone前锥体 头锥 弹头 鼻锥 | nosedive暴落 | nosedrops滴鼻剂

nosedive 词典解释

1. nosedive的解释

1. (价格、利润或汇率)暴跌,急剧下降
    If prices, profits, or exchange rates nosedive, they suddenly fall by a large amount.

    e.g. The value of other shares nosedived by £2.6 billion.

2. (名声或事业)一落千丈,急转直下
    If something such as someone's reputation or career nosedives, it suddenly gets much worse.

    e.g. Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.

nosedive 单语例句

1. nosedive的近义词

1. No 1 Tiger Woods to win the HSBC Champions title in China in 2005, said he was shocked by his nosedive in form this year.

2. The Wall Street nosedive led to plunge in major Asian markets on Tuesday.

3. It lowered its fees for product listings when the economy started to nosedive in order to attract customers from traditional trade fairs.

4. nosedive的意思

4. With Beijing's real estate prices rising nine percent in the first quarter, fears that property prices may nosedive after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are building.

5. nosedive在线翻译

5. But traffic has fallen even faster than the supply of seats, especially since the stock market went into a nosedive.

6. nosedive

6. The gloomy report fanned fears of a recession and sent Wall Street in a nosedive.

7. Imagine the loss China will take if the US dollar takes another nosedive.

8. An abrupt withdrawal of stimulus funds may put businesses at risk of taking a nosedive, most businessmen agree.

nosedive 英英释义


1. nosedive是什么意思

1. a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft

    Synonym: dive nose dive

2. nosedive的翻译

2. a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline

    e.g. the stock took a nosedive


1. plunge nose first
    drop with the nose or front first, of aircraft
