
normalisation [ˌnɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃən] 

normalisation 网络解释

1. 规范化:non-payment 不支付 | normalisation 规范化 | normalise 规范

normalisation 双语例句

1. For example, he proposes a slight thawing of relations with Cuba. Most Americans have long favoured full normalisation.


2. A study focused on the effect of red wine polyphenols on rat colon mucosa was used to test the impact of quality control and normalisation steps on the biological conclusions.

3. The BIS is right: normalisation of monetary and fiscal policy is needed.


4. Mr Greenspan says " I did and still do " expect some normalisation of profit and wage shares.

5. The Federal Reserve sees the rise in yields as part of a bumpy normalisation process, and is not inclined to be bounced into any immediate policy reaction, but is monitoring market developments carefully.

6. He told reporters that he thought the time was ripe for a normalisation of relations

7. Mr Passera is relatively relaxed, arguing that the normalisation of interest rates and bad-debt charges will boost returns on equity and allow the bank to generate lots of cash.


8. Step three: conditional on that forecast coming to pass, announce a normalisation plan of nine moves of 50 basis points in the federal funds rate spread out over 18 months and commencing as soon as the dust settles on the euro crisis.

9. Most observers view this retreat as part of the normalisation of credit spreads, as risk is being more accurately assessed.


10. North Korea started dismantling its nuclear plant at Yongbyon this year under a deal that would see the Stalinist state receive energy and economic aid, and the normalisation of relations with the US.

11. The deal also paves the way for normalisation of relations between the US and North Korea.


12. Routing, transformation and normalisation may also extend this pattern in the same way as the service virtualisation was extended.


13. All11 subjects noticed an improvement in their overall well-being, increased working capacity, a significant stabilisation of the nervous system and a normalisation of sleep patterns.

14. To me, 2005 was a year of normalisation in the currency markets.

15. But China's conditions for normalisation of mutual relations were quite harsh.


16. Third, make future normalisation of fiscal and monetary policies credible.

17. Competitions run with two or more groups, with Normalisation to form a single group.

18. So far, the decline of asset prices has been mostly normalisation; they were exaggerated by excessive leverage.

normalisation 单语例句

1. Weber reckoned that key words could be useful in a normalisation phase, raising interest rates to a level in line with the speed of economic growth.

2. But he said normalisation could not happen without progress on the abduction issue.

normalisation 英英释义


1. the imposition of standards or regulations

    e.g. a committee was appointed to recommend terminological standardization

    Synonym: standardization standardisation normalization
