
nor [nɔ:(r)]  [nɔr] 

nor 基本解释

连词也不; 也不是; 和 neither 或 not 连用; 去甲

nor 反义词


nor 相关例句


1. Have you ever seen a nicer place nor this one?

2. It is neither hot nor cold in winter here.

3. He can't do it, nor can I, nor can you, nor can anybody.

4. The story is not interesting nor instructive.

5. I have neither time nor money for pop festivals.

nor 网络解释

1. 或非门:因两个锁存器生成所需逻辑输出的反转,所以用一个或非门(NOR)取代与非门. 与图3所示的电路比,图4所示的电路更接近传统的PFD架构. 图4和图3电路的主要区别是如何生成复位信号. 可增加两个DFF以改进频率驳合(pull-in)速度.

2. 挪威:哈根(丹麦) 保加利亚(BUL) 西德(FRG) 东德(GDR)1986 诺丁汉(英国) 意大利(ITA) 保加利亚(BUL) 东德(GDR)1985 黑兹温克尔(比利时) 东德(GDR) 苏联(URS) 瑞士(SUI)1983 杜伊斯堡(联邦德国) 东德(GDR) 挪威(NOR) 西德(FRG)1

3. 逻辑或非:11章 逻辑与(AND)电路与逻辑或(OR)电路的读法11.1 逻辑与(AND)电路的读法11.2 逻辑或(OR)电路的读法第12章 逻辑与非(NAND)电路与逻辑或非(NOR)电路的读法12.1 逻辑与非(NAND)电路的读法12.2 逻辑或非(NOR)电路的读法第13章

4. nor:nucleolus organizer regions; 核仁组织区

5. nor:nucleolus organizing regions; 核仁形成区

6. nor:nucleolus organizer region; 银染核仁组织区

nor 词典解释

1. nor的反义词

1. (在否定句中用于 neither 之后以引出第二项或几项中的最后一项)也不,也没有
    You use nor after 'neither' in order to introduce the second alternative or the last of a number of alternatives in a negative statement.

    e.g. Neither Mr Rose nor Mr Woodhead was available for comment yesterday...
    e.g. I can give you neither an opinion nor any advice...

2. nor的反义词

2. (用于否定陈述后,表示该否定句也适用于自己、其他人或其他事物)也不,也没有
    You use nor after a negative statement in order to indicate that the negative statement also applies to you or to someone or something else.

    e.g. 'None of us has any idea how long we're going to be here.' — 'Nor do I.'...
    e.g. 'If my husband has no future,' she said, 'then nor do my children.'...


3. (用于否定句后,引出另一否定句补充前句)
    You use nor after a negative statement in order to introduce another negative statement which adds information to the previous one.

    e.g. Cooking up a quick dish doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor does fast food have to be junk food.

nor 单语例句

1. This is despite concern in China that Ye has neither set foot in the media operation nor done business overseas.

2. But the problem is that people are so busy throughout the year that reports are neither written seriously nor read carefully.

3. Neither stuffy nor severe, his extravagant frankness often takes the students by surprise.

4. nor的反义词

4. Nor does it mean we agree with the appeals for his clemency by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his family.

5. nor

5. He also denied making any attempt to bypass the normal selection procedure, nor instruct anyone that the project be awarded to a particular agency.

6. nor在线翻译

6. But a single action was not enough to reinvigorate China, nor could China awaken in a short period of time.

7. nor在线翻译

7. What gives the prize special cachet for many Chinese is not the cash prize, nor the prestige within the science community.

8. There is neither a cafeteria for Zhang and other village officials nor a kitchen in their rooms.

9. As neither camping nor cooking is permitted, your best bet is to stay at the village guesthouse.

10. China cannot develop in isolation, nor can the world prosper and maintain stability without China.
