

nonintegrated 双语例句


1. Many of these nonintegrated companies also operate their own retail stores, but typically do most of their business as vendors to department stores.

2. The selection is much more limited for the products of nonintegrated firms sold through department store Web sites.

3. Their results show that nonintegrated firms are approximately two years behind integrated firms in introducing online sales.

4. This level of synergy between online and offline operations is not easily replicated by nonintegrated firms, most of which are reluctant to use third-party companies to fulfill online orders.


5. There are significant differences between vertically integrated and nonintegrated apparel companies, all of which affects their ability to adapt to e-commerce opportunities.

6. Crew, tended to start selling online sooner than nonintegrated vendors, such as Nautica, and department stores.
    Crew 等垂直整合的专卖店,一般比Nautica 等非专卖的零售商以及百货商场更早开展网上销售。


7. In addition to significant coordination costs, nonintegrated vendors may encounter difficulties, referred to as channel conflict problems, if they sell merchandise from their own web sites.
