none too

none too [nʌn tu:]  [nʌn tu] 

none too 基本解释


none too 网络解释

1. 一点也不:none the less 仍然,依然 | none too 一点也不 | not a little 许多,很

2. 一点也不. 例如:The holidays ended all too soon.假期结束得太早了. | 2)none too一点也不. 例如: | We were none too early for the train.我们刚好赶上火车.

3. 不太......;一点都不:There is nothing to do sth. 没什么好...... | none other than 不是别的正是...... | none too 不太......;一点都不......

4. 一点也不 不太:quite too 简直太... | none too 一点也不 不太 | only too 非常, 极

none too 单语例句


1. Too bad none of them are showing up to catch a glimpse of the Chinese runway.

2. For reasons all too clear none of the Western powers found it wrong to exploit, bully and humiliate this ancient nation they called China.

3. None of them should attach too much importance to it, other than it is just sports.

4. The White House sounded none too happy in much of the material.

5. none too

5. The home crown in Shanxi was none too pleased when it seemed the visiting Beijing Ducks may take the victory.

6. None of this seemed too strange to me until I moved to China.

7. Other automakers have employee education programmes too, but none are as extensive or start as early.

8. Perhaps I'm just too sensitive, seeing insult where none was intended.

9. " Too many people feel environmental protection is none of their business, " he said.


10. Reggie just thought that Kim placed too much of a priority on her fame and reality television though and he wanted none of it.
