
nod [nɒd]  [nɑ:d] 







nod 基本解释


不及物动词点头; 打瞌睡; 上下摆动; 变得粗心大意

及物动词点头示意; 使弯曲,使屈服; 点头答应

名词点头; 点头同意; 打瞌睡,打盹; 粗心大意

nod 相关词组

1. on the nod : 赊购;

nod 相关例句


1. He nodded his agreement.

2. I nodded off in the meeting and didn't hear what was said.


1. She nodded to me in a friendly fashion.

2. The maid nodded with fatigue.


1. He greeted us with a nod.

nod 网络解释


1. 点头:微笑(smile) 开放的姿态(Open posture) 身体前倾(Forward lean) 身体接触(Touch) 眼神交流(Eye contact) 点头(Nod) 如果你目前仍然不能自如地表达自己的意思,那么SOFTEN行为对你可能早了一点.

2. 节点:3.网状网路(mesh network):这种网路是将一个区域内所有正在上网的电脑当作整个网路的节点(nod)或是路线(router),网路内的任何一位使用者在接收或传送讯号时可透过网路内任何一台电脑当作传输介面.

3. 点点头:拒人欲千里之外;第三个F代表沟通时姿势向前倾(lean forward),亲近对方;第四个T代表接触(touch)包括握手、拥抱,表达欢迎或温情;第五个E代表眼神接触(eye contact)重视对方;第六个N代表谈话时,要偶而点点头(nod)表示赞许.

4. 点:全部的照射点 要确认完全命中中心点的位置,符合照射点(Nod)的划( TPS)的 DRR 实际比对其头颅的相对位置. 轴(Rotation)的 误差.

5. nod:non-obese diabetic; 非肥胖型糖尿病

6. nod:nocturnal oxygen desaturation; 睡眠低氧

7. nod:nuclear operation department; 核能发电处

8. nod:non-obese diabetic mice; nod鼠

nod 词典解释

1. nod

1. 点头;点头赞同
    If you nod, you move your head downwards and upwards to show that you are answering 'yes' to a question, or to show agreement, understanding, or approval.

    e.g. 'Are you okay?' I asked. She nodded and smiled...
    e.g. David said nothing, but simply nodded, as if understanding perfectly...

2. (朝…方向)扬头,扬头示意
    If you nod in a particular direction, you bend your head once in that direction in order to indicate something or to give someone a signal.

    e.g. 'Does it work?' he asked, nodding at the piano...
    e.g. She nodded towards the drawing room. 'He's in there.'...

3. (用于打招呼或告别)点头,点头招呼
    If you nod, you bend your head once, as a way of saying hello or goodbye.

    e.g. All the girls nodded and said 'Hi'...
    e.g. Tom nodded a greeting but didn't say anything...

4. (足球中)顶(球)
    In football, if a player nods the ball in a particular direction, they hit the ball there with their head.

    e.g. Taylor leapt up to nod the ball home...
    e.g. Brian McClair nodded in his twenty-third goal of the season.

5. 点头同意;点头允许
    If you give someone the nod, you give them permission to do something.

    e.g. 'Keep him outside till I give you the nod.'

6. (建议)一致接受地,毫无异议地
    If a proposal is accepted on the nod, it is accepted without being questioned or argued about.

    e.g. He has always argued that the party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod...
    e.g. Big issues are going through on the nod.

相关词组:nod off

nod 单语例句

1. The sweetly skewed take on life and relationships today earned a best comedy nod and an impressive six acting bids.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. But can a censor's nod translate into embrace by the audience?

3. Obama accepts his party's nod on a day few could ever imagine decades ago, when King fought for civil rights.

4. Hengrui Medicine is the third Chinese drug company to get US FDA nod for clinical trials.

5. White also contributed to yet another nomination, the Snickers candy bar Super Bowl spot that received a nod for best commercial.

6. In January SDIC's investment in its latest wind turbine project received the nod from the National Development and Reform Commission.

7. Yiwu is one of the first Chinese cities given the nod for trading in small commodities.

8. Dalian Commodity Exchange started the trial run for livestock futures delivery in 2007, but the trading proposal has yet to get the nod from top authorities.

9. nod的近义词

9. In every case, there was a pause for contemplation before a nod was given to The Players.

10. His trademark swirling cross from the right was perfectly placed for Ronaldo to nod home with a fine glancing header at the near post.

nod 英英释义



1. nod什么意思

1. the act of nodding the head

2. a sign of assent or salutation or command


1. nod的意思

1. be almost asleep

    e.g. The old man sat nodding by the fireplace


2. let the head fall forward through drowsiness

    e.g. The old man was nodding in his chair

3. lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation

    e.g. The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer

4. express or signify by nodding

    e.g. He nodded his approval

5. sway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion

    e.g. the flowers were nodding in the breeze
